"Resign yourself, Catherine! Shops must be visited! Money must be spent! Do you think you could bear it?" - Northanger Abbey

Monday, October 1, 2012

Huswife, needle case or 'where do I put my scissors and thread when on the move?"

Huswife, needle case or 'where do I put my scissors and thread when on the move?" Yep. Looking for a project to do using my 'scraps' of fabric as I won't be getting to fabric shop for a while.
I have seen two types.

DSCN8502 One booklike.

The others more like a long strip. rolled up

Huswife Inside

I have an idea to use my little crazy patchwork sampler.  Add another layer and wadding so there's enough padding so I can use it like a pincushion.

With some squares as 'pockets'.
I have made a start...not quite as neat as other peoples but its very...erm...me.
The back of the panel sewed up sides but left small gap so I could pull inside out.
I trimmed the excess first though.

Sewing in pincushion. Also added ribbon loop and tie next to it for scissors.
Added lots of different sized pockets. Including one that was thread reel sizes so I can use it for embroidery or general hand sew stuff.

Rolls up and ties with ribbon. Still got a few more pockets to add but its just about finished.

Finally Finished

Had pockets for cotton reels and embroidery thread. Pin cushion and a little scissor holder.

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