Donna: How did they fit in there?
The Doctor: They're bigger on the inside.
Thought that was a good quote to begin I've hit a brick wall with the sleeves of my jacket. Long story but I know I've cut everytihg right yet I appear to have 'dropped sleeves'?! Rather than it sitting on my shoulder which is odd for a gathered sleevecap.
Anyway....back on topic after untacking my sleeves I decided to start work on the pocket. My 'practice' pockets on fabric scrap were so bad I'm not even going to show you them. But I got to the point where I had to just go for it. (Small note if you make the Beatrix Jacket I recommend you plan your pocket position on your toile, then mark it on your fabric. And then sew your pockets BEFORE you sew the panels together. It would have made this a whole lot easier if I had thought of that before I sewed it together. lol).
I tried sewing from the instructions in the booklet but they confused me a little so I got out my trusty readers digest sewing book and turned to the relevent page (Read it about 100 times lol!) and started the prep.
I marked the pocket by tacking in a white thread (as per instructions three lines horizontally, 2 vertically) realising from my past disaster that I shouldn't make the distance from centre line to top/bottom line too wide or else you end up with too much of a gap.
I used those measurements to draft the 'flap' and the pocket lining. I decided to use my leftover waistcoat fabric for the lining. I then tacked the flaps in place on the outside, right side to right side (the bottom of flap should sit just above centreline). sorry I don't have a photo. And pinned the pocket in place over the flap (stright edge should sit 10mm past the bottom line).
I then - shoving all the fabric into a small place hence my earlier suggestion - sewed a square using tacking for a guide.
As you can see it wasn't the neatest. You then slash the centre of the square stopping 10mm from each end (tip: mark this so you don't get carried away). Then cut the 'Y' shapes (Tip: Put a pin within the square at the ends, like when you slash buttonholes to stop you making the mistake I did first time and snipping too far). Then remove basting stitches.
Then pushthe lining back through the hole and press. Attached the other pocket lining peice to the bottom 'lip'. Then sew the two lining peices together as in pic above.
Then I tacked down the flap a couple milimetres down from the top (see pin in pic).
As you can see I made a slight error which meant the lining shows past the flap...but it was too late to do anything. If I'd used a fabric for lining that was same as exterior it wouldn't be so obvious.
But I just couldn't resist the groovy paisley lining.
As you can see I tried to make sure the flaps and pocket were in proportion to the jacket itself. I also tried to make the pockets deep to fit lots of stuff in them.